Exhibitors 2019

Result for TAG "Open Source"

Tiziana De Filippis, Leandro Rocchi, Patrizio Vignaroli, Elena Rapisardi, Bruno Guerzoni
Climate Services Open Source for developing countries. Climate services are important to foster adaptation to climate risks and in reducing vulnerability in developing world contexts. 4Crop web application gives the possibility to evaluate impacts due to drought stress during the whole crop growing cycle in Sahelian areas. SLAPIS (Système Local d’Alerte Précoce pour les Inondations de la Sirba) enhances the capacity of Niger Institutions to forecast, alert for and manage floods.

Ramona Magno, Tiziana De Filippis, Edmondo Di Giuseppe, Elena Rapisardi, Leandro Rocchi
Drought dynamics reveal a time gap between the onset of a drought event and the management of the drought emergency, but often this gap is too wide to effectively reduce the impacts. The Drought Observatory (https://drought.climateservices.it/en/) developed by CNR-IBIMET could fill this gap. It is an operational system providing Open, detailed and timely information and technical support to decision-makers, water authorities, researchers and stakeholders to enhance mitigation and adaptation plans. In particular, the coupled rainfall-based and satellite-derived monitoring system both provides multiple time scale occurrence and duration of drought, and allows the assessment of vegetation conditions at different spatio-temporal scales.

Piero Toscano, Leandro Rocchi, Riccardo Dainelli, Alessandro Matese, S. Filippo Di Gennaro
AgroSat combines digital technologies (IoT and Big Data) and scientific research products to create a collaboration platform that allows end-users to access, share, consult data – info – knowledge and plan actions. AgroSat is a full free open source platform and works from any web-browser and devices.

Robotics for Rehabilitation team
PLANarm2 is an end-effector-based parallel robot for neurorehabilitation. It allows the patient to practice planar movements of his hand, exploiting both elbow and shoulder movements. The movement of the manipulandum held by the patient is controlled by two motors. The device is equipped with two load cells to measure the force exchanged with the patient. Force-based and adaptive control algorithms enable the device to help the patient in performing rehabilitation tasks according to his capabilities and his level of impairment. A graphic environment proposes interactive and engaging tasks. The device has been designed to be clamped on one side of a table, also in a domestic environment. The modularity of the ROS-based control system will enable a straightforward integration of additional devices

Medaarch s.r.l. s.t.p
CAD is a center of excellence for training and consultancy on innovation issues, the only place in Italy dedicated to re-launching craft activities

Andrea Chesi IIS Tito Sarrocchi Siena
The goal of the "leap - done" project is to pilot a complex system, such as a drone, using hand movement instead of a normal radio command. The sensor used to achieve this goal is a "leap motion" camera.

Giuseppe Massaria, Antonio Idà
ALAN-2 is a tracked Robot for military use. It has GPS, supports automatic learning, autonomous navigation and the NAV function with which it is possible to give a mission. The ROS system combined with a Neural Network provide access to the A.I. It is equipped with a Smart Charging Station (custom).

British Interplanetary Society
Set of practical activities designed to introduce about Apollo lunar missions in an funny and engaging way.

Una Quantum Inc
Bring digital fabrication technologies into the management of artistic and cultural heritage

Unione Astrofili Italiani
Crafting, passion and astronomy knowledge applied to astronomy popularization and inclusion, because everyone has the right to “see the stars”

Unione Astrofili Italiani
This Project presents the design and construction guidelines for a small personal remote observatory

The project will demonstrate robotic vision applied to driverless robots and cars, and to robots for precision farming.

Valerio Nappi
An Arduino based true random number generator fueled by bananas.
  H17 (pav. 6)

The BeeBlockers - IV B e V B - ITET “Rapisardi Da Vinci” - Caltanissetta
Interchangeable teaching modules for the realization of electronic devices programmable in visual language to learn the "Coding" at school, while having fun.

Corso di Elettronica-Automazione I.I.S. “Rita Levi-Montalcini” Acqui Terme (AL)
Open source and low cost devices for blind people: Voice synthesizer connectable to everyday use equipment.

Blue_Boost Project - ADRION Programme
Blue_Boost project - ADRION Programme – brings together 7 partners from Italy (University of Camerino – Marche; Central Europe Initiative - Friuli Venezia G …

Team DigiLAB Volta - Triennio Superiore Istituto Tecnologico
Robotic Arm V.I.A.

Conrad Electronic Shop
GIVE LIFE TO YOUR IDEAS Every invention begins with an idea, with a precise image that buzzes in your head, insists and wants to be realized. This is what give …

Associazione Promozione Sociale SalvaiCiclistiRoma
A low cost device to monitor biker, pedestrian and runner traffic along a cycle path. A tool helping citizens to call pubblic officers and politicians attention to their needs.

Timothy Frégeau, Elena Panciroli, Oriane Anita Rainero, Giorgio Ratti, Natali Ristovska
A musical instrument that allows children with motor disabilities to learn, produce music and play alongside other people.

Digi-Key Electronics
Digi-Key è una società americana, di proprietà privata, con 3500 dipendenti in tutto il mondo e un fatturato totale di 2,3 miliardi $ all'anno. Da un unico p …

Marco Baruzzo, Carlo Fonda, Sara Sossi, Gaya Fior, Erika Ronchin, Enrique Canessa
This DIY "Cloud Chamber" makes visible to the naked eyes a number of tracks of elementary particles like electrons, protons and muons.

Duckietown Foundation
The state-of-the-art robotics and AI education and research platform designed to enable the makers of the next generations of autonomy.

Joan nadal
E3bot is an Educational, Ecological and Evolutive robot to learn robotics and ecology in a fun way.

4°-5° Esc, Liceo Monti Chieri (TO)
"Eagle & Beagle" is formed of two robots which interact: a drone (Eagle) and a rover (Beagle).

EMC Elettronica Srl
Elettronica Open Source is a blog born in 2006 with the aim of spreading quality articles and allowing the exchange of ideas and experiences between electronics …

Martin Romeo
innovation, 3dprint, interactivity, interaction design, visual art, profume, arduino, raspberry, essential oil, fragrance, technology, hybrid, premiere, smartphone, image, color, percentage, multimedia, led, art

Giovanni di Dio Bruno
Erwhi Hedgehog is the smallest advanced open source robot that works on SLAM and Machine Learning.
  A24 (pav. 9)

Samuele D'Angelo, Francesco Brocca, Vittorio Ludovico Viero
Gemini is a smart DC motors controller for application that requires constant speed.

Amy Beaulisch
The Giant Breadboard is meant to acquire knowledge and understanding about basic electronic principles and facts and to train skills in breadboard prototyping in a playful way.

Emanuele Della Volpe
Development of innovative multi-functional technological solutions through aerial, terrestrial and marine interconnected Unmanned Systems

Francesco Rodighiero (Tutor), Ludovico Russo (Sviluppo Software ed Elettronica), Alessio Crivelli (progettazione 3D e Hardware), Teo Bistoni (Supporto programmazione), Daniela Meroni (Organizzazione, supporto sviluppo e collaudo), Rossella Indaco (Support
A tactile map of Italy presents buttons for each region. When the buttons are pressed, audio tracks are reproduced that describe various aspects of the region.

Hoist Finance
Hoist Finance is a trusted debt restructuring partner to international banks and financial institutions. We are specialised in serving banks in handling non-per …

Dipartimento di Architettura, Università Roma Tre; Coordinamento Prof. Stefano Converso, con V. De Ferraro, Studenti del corso di Tecniche Parametriche di Progettazione
Open Source Parks in Rome: bottom up maintenance, “Open” digital projects, produced in Fab Labs, and installed for free interaction.

Matteo Bianchi, Manolo Garabini, Lucia Pallottino, Vincenzo Ferrari, Carmelo De Maria, Alessandro Tognetti
Solutions for assistive and medical applications, autonomous, mobile and industrial robotics, and advanced human-machine interaction

Shenzhen JLC Electronics Co., Ltd., established in 2006. JLCPCB is a top domestic manufacturer for PCB prototyping. With a production capability of over 200,0 …

Giovanni Mannara
This project is a home automation in miniature ... It is not a normal home automation but it is an innovative house that points to the future because it is also environmentally sustainable.

Millepiani - Anna Grossi Giardiniera Paesaggista - L'Altro Abitare Architettura Sostenibile - Wildnest Bioarchitettura e Feng Shui
Millepiani Coworking created -Healthy Home- an -open zone- to explore new tools, movements and mindsets to make cities and technologies for people. Our proposal brings together the bio-architecture and living wellness skills which are dedicated to sustainable design, using innovative materials, technologies for energy saving and the creation of living environments that promote physical and psychological wellness.

Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Verona
Innovation research and teaching in the new ICE Lab at University of Verona.

Alberto Bigazzi e gli studenti del Plinio.
Educational project aimed at demonstrating the capabilities of an electromagnetic launcher for sending Moon-produced materials to Space

Mariglen Ymeraj, Filippo Guerra, Davide Cassanelli, Giovanni Gibertoni, Giuseppe Antonello Gentile
Laser Engraver is a small CNC machine for engraving images on several materials like wood, plastic, leather and many others.

Fanny Ficuciello, Rocco Moccia, huan Liu, Pasquale Ferrentino
PRISMA Hand II is a mechanically robust anthropomorphic robot hand. Portable dVRK is a simulator of da Vinci robot.

Gruppo Mindgames della classe 4^Arob ITIS Delpozzo, Cuneo
We thought of a new way to play videogames: we think every player should be able to play just using his mind!

We produced physical representations of the digital terrain model of a very specific area of Mars

Jasmin Velagic, Amir Nakic, Amila Sose, Dinko Osmankovic
The aim of this project was to develop the mobile robot management and navigation system using a mobile application.

4°Bt, 4E e 4°I ISIS "FERRARIS - BUCCINI" di Marcianise
The muscular signal is taken and conditioned. A microcontroller is used to control a servomotor that causes the fingers of the prosthesis to close.

NEXT STEPS a collection of open source walking co-designed by designers, patients, and makers.

NVIDIA are world leaders in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics. Our Jetson 'AI at the Edge processors' are a Linux ARM SoC platform much like Raspbe …

FabLab Algeri Marino
It is a glove that allows real-time monitoring of the rider's physical condition (heart rate and oxygen percentage in the blood)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am